Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mona vs Skunk

Skunk wins! Mona ran after a skunk in our backyard last night. Of course Milo followed. The skunk sprayed her in the face. So, Akiko and I were outside last night, around 12:00am washing Mona and Milo with Tomato juice. I thought it was funny but Akiko was PISSED. Now she has a APB out for this skunk. Dead or Alive!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Big Storm

We had a big storm that hit our part of town. Hard Winds and many trees felling on car and homes.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What's that?!

Milo and Mona checking out the rabbit.

Guys in the backyard.

This is Milo and Mona in the backyard.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Momo and Milo

Momo makes a rare appearance. She here to say, "where's my food"!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is a picture of Milo when we first brought him home. Cute.


Milo one year later. What a handsome boy.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day from Mona, Milo, Aja, Luna and Momo!

Nap time

Nap time. Shhh...


Thanks Mommy for all your big hugs.


Thanks Mommy for not getting too mad when I miss the litter box.

Milo says Thanks

Thank you Mommy for bring me home and giving me a family. Thank you for my big sister Mona.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mommy!!!
Peanutbutter Cookies!!

Where's Mommy?

Where's Mommy?
We found this bird nest in a bush in our front yard.
This bird really knows how to build a nest.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pennlaw and Mona 2

Photo number 2.

Pennlaw and Mona

Mona thinks she is so smart. She thinks she is smarter than me and her Mommy. When she was a puppy we took her to a trainer and the trainer was amused by how Mona only obeyed if it was something in it for her.
Now she's older and she really only obeys if she knows doing so will benefit her. So, I think it is time for Mona to go to school. PennLaw?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mommy and Mona

Mona needs a big hug from Mommy.

Nap time.

Mona and Milo taking a nap in the backyard.

Milo and Luna

Milo and Luna again.

Sleeping Buddies

Some mornings I come downstairs and caught Milo and Luna sleeping together on Milo's bed.
But when I approach them they both stand up to greet me. So I have never been able to take their picture.
But this morning they stayed in bed and I was able to get a couple of pictures of them together.
They are best of friends. Milo even grooms Luna and she loves it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

That's not your coat!

Milo tries on Mommy's coat.

Belly Rub

Somebody give me a belly rub, PLEASEEE!!

Morning Due Drops.

I found it interesting how the morning due drop laid on the tips of a plants in my frontyard.
So I grabbed my camera!


Spring is here! Enjoy the beautiful flower photos taken in my back yard.
After a long cold winter it's great to see life returning.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Milo!

Today is my birthday. I am ONE year old today! I was rescued from a puppy mill and giving a great family. My mommy and daddy are very nice to me and my sister Mona is my best friend. I also have other sisters, Aja, Luna and Momo. They are all cats but they are very nice too.
I am so happy to have a home. There are other dogs like me that are not as fortunate. Please help them by visiting your local animal shelter.
Scroll down to check out my journey and learn how I found a home.
Bring on the Cake!!

Best sister in the World.

My big sister Mona let me share her toys and her couch. She's the best sister in the world. Move over, man.

The holy ghost.

Mom and Dad brought Mona and I to church to get blessed. We both are feeling the holy spirit right now. Hallelujah!!!

The cone of shame

I had to go to the Vet to get fixed. I didn't think I was broken. Anyway, they want me to wear this around my neck until I get better. Ohh, the shame. All the other dogs are laughing at me.


Enough about Milo! FEED ME! (Momo)
Hey, how did you get in here?!


The food is very good here. Mommy also make us good treats.

Meeting big sister.

This is the first time I meant my big sister. She was very big and I did not know if she would like me. My sister Mona is very pretty. I hope I grow up to look like her.
Can I stay here with you?

Lone ride home.

I'm starting to feel better.

My first day

My first day in my new home was kind of scary. I throw up in their car, but my new mommy and daddy did not get mad at me.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fallen tree

Another view of fallen tree.

Tree falling

If a tree falls in the woods would Mona awake up? We had a tree that fell and landed between two of my neighbors houses. There was minor damage to both homes but the tree landed on power lines. So after returning home on Friday, thinking of nothing but relaxing for the evening, I found my block filled with Police car, Fire trucks and Peco. Half of the block had no power. I ran inside to check on Milo and Mona and discovered I woke Mona up. Nothing gets these guys upset. Well maybe if I take away Mona's couch. So, we settled in for a long night without power. That's when I put these two to work, keeping me warm!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Guys doing nothing.

Here's a video of the guys doing what they do best. Nothing!

Dog fun

Crazy dog!

Play time

Hi Guys
Remember the best way to keep your dog happy and in good health is play time. Yes, I know, after a long day of work the last thing we are thinking about is running away with our dogs. However, after the doggies have been closed up in the house when we are at work they need some play time when we get home. You may feel tired in the beginning but your furry friend has a way of making you find that little bit of energy you have left over. When you come home in a bad mood because of work you will be surprise how that mood will change when you are running around acting silly with your doggies. They miss you and want to show how much they miss you. Mona, who is four years old only get in the mood to play when she sees Milo and I running around acting silly. Yes, play time is contagious. Try it! It's all fun!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hi, we're new to the neighborhood. Come on over and play with us!
I need to make a correction. I originally wrote these two stunning dogs were Tibetan Mastiffs. But after meeting with the owner I discovered they are Leonberges. Leonberges are a combination of Newfoundland, St. Bernard and Great Pyrenees. What a great combination. All are very friendly breeds. Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood.


More photos

Epic Snow Storm number two

Well, we survived our second snow storm. My house lost power around 4:30 so we broke out the candles and gather around the fireplace. Power returned around 1:00 am. The rustic living was kind of fun for a few hours. Now comes the digging out. Not fun. We lost a few trees such as our Holly, Witch hazel and Magnolia. However the snow makes for beautiful photos.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Close up


Witchhazel photo number 2.


Witch hazel in the snow.

Milo in the snow

Milo playing in the snow.

More snow

Winter Wonderland

Well, this is our second Snow Storm. There's not much you can do about it. So I took out my camera to capture the beauty of the snow.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

American Bernese

Oh My God!! Where are we going to potty? We can't work in these conditions. We're American Bernese. Snow's not our thing. Ok Milo, you and I will have to hold it until the snow melts or until summer?