Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fallen tree

Another view of fallen tree.

Tree falling

If a tree falls in the woods would Mona awake up? We had a tree that fell and landed between two of my neighbors houses. There was minor damage to both homes but the tree landed on power lines. So after returning home on Friday, thinking of nothing but relaxing for the evening, I found my block filled with Police car, Fire trucks and Peco. Half of the block had no power. I ran inside to check on Milo and Mona and discovered I woke Mona up. Nothing gets these guys upset. Well maybe if I take away Mona's couch. So, we settled in for a long night without power. That's when I put these two to work, keeping me warm!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Guys doing nothing.

Here's a video of the guys doing what they do best. Nothing!

Dog fun

Crazy dog!

Play time

Hi Guys
Remember the best way to keep your dog happy and in good health is play time. Yes, I know, after a long day of work the last thing we are thinking about is running away with our dogs. However, after the doggies have been closed up in the house when we are at work they need some play time when we get home. You may feel tired in the beginning but your furry friend has a way of making you find that little bit of energy you have left over. When you come home in a bad mood because of work you will be surprise how that mood will change when you are running around acting silly with your doggies. They miss you and want to show how much they miss you. Mona, who is four years old only get in the mood to play when she sees Milo and I running around acting silly. Yes, play time is contagious. Try it! It's all fun!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hi, we're new to the neighborhood. Come on over and play with us!
I need to make a correction. I originally wrote these two stunning dogs were Tibetan Mastiffs. But after meeting with the owner I discovered they are Leonberges. Leonberges are a combination of Newfoundland, St. Bernard and Great Pyrenees. What a great combination. All are very friendly breeds. Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood.


More photos

Epic Snow Storm number two

Well, we survived our second snow storm. My house lost power around 4:30 so we broke out the candles and gather around the fireplace. Power returned around 1:00 am. The rustic living was kind of fun for a few hours. Now comes the digging out. Not fun. We lost a few trees such as our Holly, Witch hazel and Magnolia. However the snow makes for beautiful photos.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Close up


Witchhazel photo number 2.


Witch hazel in the snow.

Milo in the snow

Milo playing in the snow.

More snow

Winter Wonderland

Well, this is our second Snow Storm. There's not much you can do about it. So I took out my camera to capture the beauty of the snow.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

American Bernese

Oh My God!! Where are we going to potty? We can't work in these conditions. We're American Bernese. Snow's not our thing. Ok Milo, you and I will have to hold it until the snow melts or until summer?

Epic Snow Storm

The News called it a Snow Storm of Epic proportions. Well, it is a lot of snow. At leased it came during the weekend.